Kristina Wichmann-Raschdorf is the sole managing director of WiCHMANN GmbH. She started at the bottom of the company’s ladder, learned everything from the ground up and spent a long time in preparing for this responsible position. Finally, together with their father Horst Wichmann, she focused entirely on the requirements and activities involved in managing the company. In November 2020, exactly 40 years after it had been founded, the latter handed over the reins of the company to his daughter as part of a clearly defined transfer process.

Solidarity, fairness, equal opportunities and focus on success – these are the values for which WiCHMANN GmbH stands. The managing director is characterised by an employee-oriented leadership style centred on people. With their roughly 100 employees, they engage in reliable and long-term cooperation that is marked by appreciation, motivation to assume personal responsibility, respect, trust, fun at work and a love of helping the company to evolve. Among other aspects, this informal corporate culture includes close contact with the senior management and short decision paths.